Career Services


Career Services for CALS Students

Welcome to CALS Career Services!

Whether it’s exploring potential career paths, connecting you to valuable career experiences, or helping you secure your first job or graduate school offer, we are excited to help you connect the dots from College to Career.

Set up an appointment today and let us help you take the first steps!

Contact Us – Study Abroad – UW–Madison

How CALS Career Services Can Help:

  • One-on-one career counseling to help you identify your strengths and career or academic goals
  • Resume, cover letter, and personal statement reviews to ensure your application materials are top-notch
  • Interview preparation to build your confidence
  • Career events to give you an inside look at different industries and career paths
  • Access to job and internship postings from employers in a variety of fields
  • Assistance with crafting and refining your application materials for graduate school admissions

Meet with a CALS Career Advisor!

In-person & virtual career advising is here for CALS students to help you succeed.

Career Services Team

Kristina Vack

Director of CALS Career Services

Paige LaPoint

Career Services Manager

Onyinye Emeli

Graduate Assistant Advising Intern

Nate Doolin

Employer Relations Manager

Jevin Lortie

Career Services Coordinator


Should first-year students meet with a career advisor?expand_more

Yes! In fact, it is highly recommended. We encourage students to start using our services as soon as they can. There are many things you can start with right away – career exploration, resume writing, and searching for internships.

Do you meet with alum? Graduate students?expand_more

Yes! We meet with CALS alum up to two years post-graduation. Email us at to set up your appointment.

We also do meet with CALS graduate students. Schedule your appointment via Starfish.

What’s the difference between a Resume and a CV?expand_more

A CV (Curriculum Vitae) is often multiple pages and includes publications, academic conference presentations, teaching experience, and public service.  Usually, a CV is only necessary if you have an advanced graduate or professional degree.  

A resume is a one or two page document specifically tailored to the job or internship opening for which you are applying.  Most employers want only as much information as needed to demonstrate that your skills and experience match the needs of the job description.

Be aware that some people will use the terms CV and resume interchangeably, which can be confusing. Outside the United States, employers may refer to all resume-like documents as CVs.  Make sure you know what kind of document is expected, and ask if necessary.

If you need help creating a CV please make an appointment with a member of the CALS Career Advising Team.

What kind of jobs do I qualify for with my major?expand_more

Your major can help open up a variety of career opportunities. A CALS Career Services advisor can assist you with career exploration and developing a career plan that integrates the education you gain at CALS with your goals.

Where can I learn about undergraduate research opportunities?expand_more

The research finding process can be daunting, but with a bit of introspection and some internet searching, you will be on your way. When looking at a particular research area, try asking yourself, “How does this field fit with my major/career?”, “What about this field aligns with my interests?”, or “Why is this field better for me than another?”. This stage in the process is also a great time to discuss your interests with family, friends, and advisors. Those who know you well may illuminate interests you have difficulty identifying. After narrowing your research interests, you may be wondering where to find researchers in these fields.

Here is a great list to start looking:

*Check out WISCIENCE for more information and tips

CALS Career Services Employer Partners

Industry Relations

Are you an employer looking to connect with CALS students? Check out our Employer Relations page!