
Internship Search and Timeline

An internship is a professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work related to a student’s field of study or career interest.

It is important to note that the internship search timeline looks different for everyone, depending on your field of interest. However, for CALS students, we typically advise that the search process begins 4-5 months before you would like to start your internship.

See our resources below to assist you in your search process!

For more guidance surrounding the internship search process, advising is here for CALS students to help you succeed.

CALS Career Services

đź’ˇTips from an alum: How to secure an internship

Explore all your options within the industry. When I was an undergraduate, I was laser-focused on academia and didn’t know what options were outside of that. CALS Career Services is a great way to network and learn about opportunities outside of the University.

– Eric ’11, Biochemistry

See What Our Students Do (and Go) On Internship!

  • Agricultural Business Management, Feed Sales Intern with Purina
  • Animal & Veterinary Biosciences, Wildlife Rehabilitation Intern with Dane County Humane Society
  • Animal & Veterinary Biosciences, Diversity in Conservation Intern with the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin
  • Biochemistry, Forensic Toxicology Intern with Labcorp
  • Biological Systems Engineering, Interior Design Engineering Intern with Toyota
  • Biological Systems Engineering, Public Drinking Water Section Intern with the Wisconsin DNR
  • Environmental Sciences, Environmental Policy & Permitting Intern with Burns & McDonnell Engineering
  • Environmental Sciences, Quality Standards and Sustainability Intern with Whole Foods Market
  • Food Sciences, Product Development Intern with PepsiCo
  • Genetics & Genomics, Nephrology and Hematology Research Intern with Yale University School of Medicine
  • Global Health, Health, Safety, & Environmental Intern with the Miami Dolphins
  • Global Health, Health Policy & Government Affairs Intern with Todd Strategy Group
  • Life Sciences Communications, Science Engagement Intern with Bayer


Handshake is the the #1 way college students find jobs.

Handshake is a free job-search tool for all UW–Madison students and is the best way to connect with employers, find jobs and internships, and learn about career events. Handshake is different from other job platforms because it was created specifically to connect employers with college students. All the jobs you see on Handshake are posted for students and the employers are actively recruiting from UW-Madison. 

As a UW-Madison student, you already have a Handshake account!  All you have to do is activate it by logging into Handshake through the mobile app or by visiting and making your profile public to employers. The more information you add to your profile, the easier it will be for Handshake to give you recommendations and content for you!

Log into Handshake!

Internship Course – Inter Ag 340

Build a portfolio of personal career tools while learning from your peers! CALS Career Services offers Inter-AG 340, a 1-credit, asynchronous course for STEM students wanting to participate in an internship for credit.

  • Inter-AG 340 is appropriate for international students seeking Curricular Practical Training (CPT).
  • Offered during the summer term, and students are allowed to repeat this course.
  • Open to any UW-Madison student in a STEM major, with enrollment priority given to CALS students.

Internship Fund

Have an unpaid or underpaid summer internship? Consider applying for a CALS Internship Fund!

Awardees can receive an award up to $5,000. Preference will be given to students who would not have the ability to complete an internship without additional funding.

Students can access the application on Wisconsin Scholarship Hub (WiSH) in February. The deadline to apply is 7 days before the last day of classes for the Spring term. Recipients will be notified the first week of May.

Fund Eligibilityexpand_more

  • CALS undergraduate student
  • Internship must be at least 6 weeks in length, and 10 hours/week minimum. The internship must take place in the summer term.
  • Have applied to or secured an internship: Internship must be verified 7 days before the last day of classes for the Spring term. Verification of the internship experience should be a letter of verification (or “offer letter”) from the internship employer stating that the student has secured an internship. The letter should include the beginning and end dates of the internship, the number of hours a week, and pay or stipend information.
  • Students will be selected on the strength of their application, demonstrated financial need, and quality of the internship experience.
  • For a workplace experience (virtual, hybrid, or in-person) to be considered an internship, it must meet the following criteria:
    • A learning experience with a real-world opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom. It must not be simply to advance the operations of the employer or replace the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
    • Learned skills and knowledge that are transferable to other employment settings.
    • A defined beginning and end that is mutually agreed upon and consistent with institutional sponsor guidelines and schedules.
    • A position description with clear responsibilities and required/detailed qualifications.
    • Clearly defined learning objectives/goals supportive of the student’s academic program goals and institutional requirements.
    • Direct supervision by a professional(s) with relevant expertise and educational and/or professional experience who provides productive feedback, guidance, and the resources and equipment necessary to successfully complete the assignment.

These payments are made possible through the generous donation from the Oscar N. and Ethel K. Allen Memorial Coordinative Internship Educational Grant.