Dean’s Office Staff

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Executive Assistant: Tara Dargaexpand_more

Tara Darga
Executive Assistant
608.265.1301 –

Darga is primary point of contact for Dean Glenda Gillaspy, including scheduling and correspondence.  She assists with office coordination, administrative projects, Board of Visitors and Academic Planning Council.

Executive Assistant: Ally McCannexpand_more

Ally McCann
Executive Assistant
608.265.9210 –

McCann provides administrative support to the associate dean for external relations and advancement, the associate dean for innovation and strategy and the associate dean for faculty affairs, including scheduling.  She provides administrative support to the CALS Committee on Academic Staff Issues and coordinates parking for the college.

Administrative Assistant: Vacantexpand_more

Administrative Assistant

The administrative assistant provides administrative support for the office including reception, office coordination, and assists with administrative projects. They are the point of contact for greeting guests and facilitating office meetings.